Ayer Tawar, May 6 - The Perak Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (MAIPk) held a Waqaf Perak Ar-Ridzuan (WPAR) funds cheque presentation ceremony to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Kampung Sungai Ramai and Al-Hidayah Mosque, Seri Manjung.
The ceremony began with a tazkirah (reminder) session on WPAR waqf and funds delivered by MAIPk Ummah Development Unit Assistant General Manager Ustaz Mohammed bin Mohamad Tarmizi Tasyreef. The ceremony continued with a speech by MAIPk Chief Executive Officer Dr. Amiruddin bin Muhamed and the subsequent handing over of a cheque amounting to RM 100 million to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and RM20 thousand to the Al-Hidayah Mosque. This significant event was also attended by MAIPk Ummah Development Unit Manager En. Zul Azri bin Hosaini, MAIPk officials and members of the congregation.
Progress of Project Waqf for Student Residential Building
Construction work for the building is almost 80% .
Mac 2017
April 2016