IPOH 18 MEI 2016 - A RM100 thousand cheque handing over ceremony to Masjid Taman Jati was held at 10.00 am at the 5th Floor Meeting Room of the Perak Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Council (MAIPk). MAIPk's representative, Tan Sri Dato 'Seri (Dr.) Haji Harussani contributed RM 100,000.00 from the Waqaf Perak Ar-Ridzuan (WPAR) fund to the Taman Jati Mosque's representative, Ustaz Ahmad Dzohiri bin Abdul Samad, Deputy Chairman of the Taman Jati Mosque Construction Committee.
Also present, were MAIPk's Chief Executive Officer Dr. Amiruddin bin Muhamed, MAIPk's Deputy Chief Executive of Management Tuan Mohd Haidi Bin Sulaiman, MAIPk's Deputy Chief Executive Officer for Development Puan Hajah Maizura Binti Haji Wan Zahari Wan and MAIPk's officials.